We are dedicated to advancing our coatings and chemicals business. Our company boasts a comprehensive system for hazardous chemical customs declarations and global shipping services. We excel in top-notch technical development that meets international standards, and we have a robust after-sales technical service team. By continuously adapting to the global market, we aim to become a diversified and trusted global company.
Guangdong Tilicoatingworld Co.Ltd
I-Guangdong Tilicoatingworld Co., Ltd. inamalungelo abo ngokwemvelo "Fenghuanghua® " brand yabo kanye nezinto zokuthuthukiswa kwendawo yezomnotho "Tili®" kusukela ngo-1995 Brand, ekunikezeleni kubacwaningi izinhlangano zemvelo zokupaka ezinhlelweni zomsebenzi. Kuyakwazi ukuthuthukisa okuningi nokusha okusha kwezidingo ezahlukene njengoba izimo zomsebenzi wendawo yezomnotho kanye nokupaka kwendawo yomsebenzi; Ikhampuni inezindawo zokuthuthukiswa ezimvelo eziningi eziningana ezingu-20000 ekwadini lomsebenzi ngezinyanga ezingu-30000, izindlu zase-ofisi ezinhle kanye nezindlu zase-standard workshop.
Ngo-2020 - 2021, sasiphumelela ekuboniseni izigaba ukuthi sisebenzisana nabanye abakhiqizi bezitsha ezimbonini zomhlaba kanye ne-ODM factory yebhuloho elinomdabu eHong Kong. Ngo-2015, sathembisa imakethe yomhlaba yezomnotho kanye nezindlela ezimvelo zokuhamba kwezinto ezinamandla kanye nezindlu zokuthuthukiswa zezitsha zokuhamba kwezinto ezinamandla. Sizithola indlela evamile yokwakha imfundo yezomnotho yomhlaba kanye neqembu lezomsebenzi olwandle olwamandla, nesiqinisekiso esibalulekile sokusebenza emuva nesiqinisekiso esibalulekile sokusebenza emuva, nesivumelwano esinamandla nesivumelwano esinamandla ngezinto eziningi ezinhle.
Umoya wokwethembeka, ukusebenza okusebenza, ukuthuthukiswa okwesayensi, kanye nezifiso zomsebenzi zokusebenza, ukusebenza okuphambili, kanye nokwakha okusha kuyavuselela ukuthi sisebenze, sithathe izinsuku zethu, izimila, futhi sisebenze. Lokhu ngiyindoda.
Professional Clear & Coloured Wood Coatings
These products are available in transparent, pigment and colored versions. Our has large-scale production capabilities and conducts business around the world, taking on demanding, rapidly evolving markets that require innovative, high-quality and eco-friendly solutions to stay on top.
Strong coverage
Imibala emhlophe
"I-Fenghuanghua" i-coating inikeza i-Clear & Coloured Coatings for izimpawu zobuciko bokukhanya kwamahhovisi okufanele
We have protective coatings for wood (sealers, base-coats, primers, top-coats) in many sheen’s (even as low as zero), abrasives, buffing equipment, stains, mixing cups and almost everything that you would require as a homeowner and professional.
Structural steelwork requires robust coating solutions
Coatings for structural steelwork mainly focus on basic protection and decoration, using solvent-borne or water-borne paints and systems. In some cases, steel structures might be faced with a more aggressively corrosive environment, meaning a coating with higher chemical or mechanical resistance is needed.
Large steel structures might be difficult to handle in a painting booth, so they are often painted in uncontrolled conditions. For example, Primer offers a high solids content and can be applied at low temperatures, whereas Tili brand series products provide improved surface tolerance at lower preparation grades.
Excellent weather resistance
Industrial coatings for structural steelwork in buildings
Our solutions for structural steelwork include a wide range of anticorrosive paints and painting systems. Our coating solutions are tested and proven to have a high corrosion resistance and a long service life.
Izixazululo zokwenza ukunikezwa okwenzekayo ozithandayo
Sisebenza nawe ukuze sikwazi ukuthola ukwakhiwa kwakho konke, ukubona izikhathi zonke zokuphila kwakho, ukuthola izimpilo zokwenza okuhlela okuncane, ukufuthaza izikhathi zezinto, futhi ukunquma okuhle kwezinto. Izikhungo zethu zezempilo zinamathela ziyatholakala ukukunceda futhi zikwazi ukukunceda ukuze uthole izidingo zakho zobungcweti.
Izikhungo zethu zezempilo zingakunceda futhi ukuthola izinto ezifanele kwezindlela zakho, futhi zingakunceda ukwenza izifundo zokuphakama ezifanele kwezindlela zakho zobhaza okwenziwe kahle futhi ziqinisekise ukunikezwa okuhle kwezindlela zokwenza izinto.
Izindlela zokwenza ukuthi kube nokwelulekwa
we are driven by purposeful innovation with a dedication to developing to developing solutions that support the well-being of people and the planet.
Our product line for structural steelwork includes a selection of water-borne paints.These are ideal for customers who require low VOC emissions or are looking for solutions that help with acquiring green-building certifications.
Siyavuma ukuthi ukwazi ukwazi izinto zethu ngokwesibonelo kungukuthi uqonde amathuluzi ethu. Manje, bheka kuphela izici ezitholakala phansi ukuze uthole ipaki yethu yamahhala yezithombe zethu ezivunyelwe! Uma ufuna izinto ezifanayo, izithombe ezinomthelela, noma izinto ezithakazelisayo zezulu, sisebenzisa izidingo zakho.
Nceda uxhumane nabantu bakho ukuze sisebenzise ukuphendula iphuzu elihle. Ulimisele ukuthi ulandele izinto zethu zokuthumela ipaki futhi ukuxhumana okulandelayo, futhi sithembisa ukuphila kwemidlalo yakho.
Ungakukhohlwa—bheka iphasi manje, futhi iphuzu lakho elihle lizobe libe ngaphansi kwesikole!
Thola Izinto Zemvelo Zomthengi Futhi Uqonde Ukufaneleka Kwethu!
Izinto ezitholakala
NC Nitrocellulose Wood Lacquer
Water-based exterior paintc
PU Polyurethane Wood paint
Water-based latex paint
Kwamathuluzi amabili series
Isikhukhula Isitobhi
i-Fenghuang Flower Paint
PE Iresini Yenkanyezi Engezansi Yenkanyezi